How a Honeycomb Core’s Cellular Structure Affects Acoustics
Composite materials are often chosen based on mechanical properties and their relation to strength, durability, etc. But every now and again, a material’s acoustic properties are just as important. Enter honeycomb core composites. Their cellular structure can affect acoustics in remarkable ways.
The cellular structure of a honeycomb core enhances certain acoustic properties to the degree of making them the best option for applications in which acoustics are a high priority. Let us talk about some of those properties and how the cellular structure affects them.
1. Sound Absorption
The honeycomb core’s cellular structure naturally creates a large number of small air pockets throughout. These air pockets trap and absorb sound waves. The end result is sound dampening. Not only is ambient sound within the space reduced, but that sound also does not easily travel through the material.
Better sound absorption can make for a more comfortable trip by air or by rail. It makes for better sound quality in a recording or TV studio. Wherever sound absorption is a priority, honeycomb core composites are a good candidate.
2. Acoustic Dampening
The honeycomb core’s sound absorption properties contribute to acoustic dampening. However, cell walls further increase acoustic dampening by vibrating and flexing when impacted by sound waves. Sound energy is converted into heat through this action, further dampening acoustic energy across a larger range of frequencies.
3. Resonance Control
Honeycomb core composites can be custom designed to produce specific resonant frequencies when impacted by sound waves. The right resonant frequencies can enhance sound absorption at specific frequency ranges, accommodating equally specific sounds that would not be absorbed by a more traditional material.
4. Bidirectional Performance
The acoustic properties of a honeycomb core composite are such that it provides equal performance in both in-plane and out-of-plane directions. You essentially have a 3D structure that is effective against sound waves coming from any direction.
5. Properties Are Customizable
Honeycomb core composites are highly customizable in terms of shape, cell size, wall thickness, etc. Customization allows manufacturers to create panels that target specific frequency ranges for absorption and insulation. Even minimal modifications to cell structure can enhance a panel’s acoustic performance.
In a nutshell, engineers do not have to settle for a one-size-fits-all product. They can have honeycomb core panels manufactured to strict specifications unique to very specific applications. It is like having designer panels that are unique to only one job.
6. Increased Surface Area
By their nature, honeycomb core materials significantly increase internal surface area through their geometry. More surfaces are available to interact with sound waves compared to what is typically available with solid materials. The result is more opportunity for sound waves to interact with the material itself, thereby increasing sound absorption.
With a solid material, sound waves interact with the surface just once – on impact. That’s because there is only one surface to interact with. But honeycomb core geometry creates hundreds of surfaces with which sound waves interact. More contact points mean more interaction.
7. Low Density
Finally, the honeycomb design is a low-density design that lends itself very well to producing lightweight core materials without sacrificing strength. Manufacturers can create acoustic panels with high strength-to-weight ratios, panels that are still easy to work with despite their size.
Here at Axiom Materials, we are big fans of honeycomb core composites. We especially appreciate their acoustic properties, properties that make them ideal for sound absorption and acoustic dampening. If you would like to know more about our honeycomb core composites, don’t be afraid to ask. Get in touch to learn more about how these products could improve your designs.