Axiom Materials Prepregs tackle Garmin Unbound Gravel 2021 presented by Craft in the Flint Hills of Kansas
Several riders with bicycle components fabricated with Axiom Materials epoxy and carbon prepregs set out to conquer the 200-mile hilly, tire-shredding, sun-baked gravel in the Flint Hills of Michigan. This is considered the biggest gravel race in the world and draws riders from all over the globe.
The components fabricated with Axiom prepregs included bike wheels and frames. These components created a dependable and trustworthy bike that led one rider to a top ten finish.
Fabricators of these parts used Axiom’s new AX-#201XL technology to create structures that could withstand the demands for this ride while being lightweight and easy to manufacture. The material was used in press cure, trap mold, and OOA VBO processes.
Shane Nishakawa, Technical Sales Representative for Axiom, put some of these components to the test by competing in the race. “I never once had to be concerned if the bike would get me through it, I only had to be concerned that I could get me through it” explains Shane.
To order this product, please contact Axiom Materials or call Customer Service at 949-569-6004.